Clash Of Clans New Troops Bowler and All Updates Review


Clash Of Clans New Troops Bowler and All Updates Review

  • Clash of Clans March 2016 Update :
Clash Of Clans New Update Review
Clash Of Clans New Update Review 
Here is the review of new update by clash of clan, and I think that it is also a big update by clash of clans (coc) many things and issues are fixed and 1 new dark troops is entered into the barrack name as Bowler Dark Troop which is purple in colour and Bowler have one ancient rock ball which is really hard (scroll to read more about Bowler troop) and the one change in which peoples are confused which is Poison spell recently people used poison spell upon to the clan castle troops and within some second the clan castle defensive troops will burn or melt into it and that it! but in this new clash of clans new update when anyone leave poision spell unto the clan castle defensive troops then the troops will split from the area of poison which is really irritating first time for everyone but don't worry read below that how to use poison spell now, and the storage style is also change and the Air Defence is really different now it looks very different (read more about Coc new air defence), The camp fire and the thing which is bake upon the camp colour is also something radish now, normal spell cost is reduced to 20,000 normal exilers now, and dark spell cooking time is reduced to 10 minutes (m) for all Dark spells, Volkriya is much better stable now and attacking with more power and fast, But Volkriya's hit point is also reduced by which it will finish little faster. Read all new clash of clans update briefly below.
Must Read- How To Hack This New Version COC Now

Clash Of Clans Troops Update :

  • New Dark Troop Bowler
Dark Barrack Level 7
Dark Barrack Level 7
    The Bowler is the new Dark Exiler Troop, which is cooking by dark exiler and the bowler is really a fine updated troop. The bowler have a ancient rock ball, which is rough in colour and it attack by throwing it to his target and again and again he throw his bowl again and again and damage anything much faster and also his attack is much better damaging. This new Dark Troop Bowler is only available for Dark Barrack Level 7, and This new troops can be upgrading till to level 3 which is maximum for it now. If you are eligible for upgrading your dark barrack to level 7, then don't wait just upgrade it now to enjoy the new The Bowler Coc Troop. Recently I also tried this new troop I also played Coc but I am not at that much of high level to Upgrade Dark barrack to level 7, I am on Th 8 with max. Defence. But My friend is of Th 11 so I Borrow his account for sometime to read something about this new troop and share my experience with you. if anyone of you are is on that much of level to unlock The Bowler Troop then unlock it now because it is really a hard and energetic troop with a great clash of clans new updation march 2016.
    1. Bowlers Throw huge boulders that bounce and strike in two places.
    2. Placement isKey! These massive bboulders only bounce straight ahead.
    3. Well placed bowlers can destroy distant buildings or flatten large areas.
    4. Trains Bowlers in the new Dark Barracks Level Seven Available at Town hall (Th)- 10 and More.

    • Volkriya Stablity is Better In New Coc Update March 2016
     I Think many of you notice that movement of vlokriya when she go any where else if you are not much busy on watching the whole much rather the a single volkriya movement then you see this only. Recently one day I was attack on someone as global with giants, wizzards and volkriya The Giants break the wall and The wizzard is Attack by stading behind him on things which are but suddenly wizzards go to right side and giants already inside the wall and wizzard was busy to clean the right side then 1 Archer tower, stand outside attacking on my giants then I have 4 volkriya I leave all volkriyas by targeting the Archer tower which stand outside the wall and volkriya target is that Archer tower but what they do instead of going towards the Archer tower they go inside with giants :-( and start attacking inside. So this was happen sometime with volkriya but now on which target you leave volkriya they go towards to them rather then go anywhere else, so this is also a better update by clash of clan in this march 2016 month.

    • Volkriya Hit Point Decreased and Attacking is Increased :
    Coc Update 2016
    Coc Update 2016
    The Volkriya is stable as we tell you above and how also with a practical, and now let's talk Why COC Decreased or Reduced The hit point of Volkriya and Why COC Increase Attacking Of Volkriya, The cost of volkriya level 1 is only 60 Dark exilers but when we use her for attacking recently it is really hard to kill volkriya by defence and if you have 3 heal spell and have 20 volkriya at least and a good stractegy of attacking then you would be able to attack and win 3 star at any base which you of your level, you can try this method I already tried it many time approx. 4-5 Times I try this method in war also at Th 8 base and Every Time I was win. So because of that was very hard attacking so her some hit point had been reduced, but one thing is increased in volkriya which is that when volkriya is come towards her target she start attack with her axe faster and with more power. but recently volkriya go towards her attack and waste a little bit time for start attack but not now she is much smooth and do effective attack on her target which also a little but impressive update by clash of clan in this march 2016.

    Clash Of Clans Spell Update In March 2016 :

    • Exiler Spell Brewing Time Reduced Now :
    Spell Brewing Time Reduced
    Spell Brewing Time Reduced Update
      In This new clash of clans update it is also a effective update now the time is reduce to 20 Minutes only, now you would be able to brew any exiler spell of any level within 20 minutes recently the time of brewing exiler spell time is different and also according to level there time will increase, but that problem is fix now by clash of clan new update march 2016, now you would be able to brew any level of any spell- (Lightning spell, Heal spell, Rage spell, Jump spell, Freez spell). I think you already enjoy this improvement in Clash of clans (coc) if you seen it if you don't then open clash of clan and check out the brewing time of each exiler spell. It is one the best thing I like in this update recently our troops is successfully cooked but the spell was still brewing but now spell brewing time is reduced so we had to wait for less time.
      • Dark Spell Brewing Time Reduced To 10 Minutes :
      Dark Spell Brewing Time Reduced Update
      This also a major update we can say in this clash of clan new update march 2016, now the time of brewing Dark Spell is Reduced to only 10 Minutes only now any spell of any level can brew within 10 Minuted only, recently we have to wait more for brewing the Dark Spell, which really irritates me and many others also I think because at many place there value is really much but they take that much of time to brew irritate everyone but Clash of clans realise the think of peoples and update it's brewing time which is a better update we can say and a genuine update by Clash of clan new update march 2016. This is also one of the biggest update I think in spells after update in which the dark factory and dark spell has came up. Hope you'll enjoy this update feature.


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